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Photoright GIZ


Agricultural Value Chains

Even though the agriculture sector is contributing to a quarter of the national GDP, only 10 % of the workforce in the agricultural sector receives formal training. In order to boost vocational training opportunities, GSDI was commissioned to develop an Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) approach for the three agricultural value chains cashew, mango and oil palm to develop occupational standards and competency-based training (CBT) courses.

Mango Value Chain

Mango production is assuming great economic importance in Ghana. The crop has high demand and good local and export market that could be improved to become a big export produce for Ghana with support from stakeholders, including government, NGOs and private sector. The Mango sector in Ghana is generally characterized by pertinent constraints facing actors along the value chain. Production and processing of the crop have been persistently low despite various private and public sector interventions. The major challenge in the mango sector is access to skilled labour. Against this background, Ghana Skills Development Initiative addressed the skills gaps and training needs of industry along the mango value chain through curriculum development and competency based training.

The development of occupational standards and competency-based training (CBT) courses for mango focus on the first two educational levels – National Proficiency I (NPI) and National Proficiency II (NP II) in the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTVETQF).

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