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Electrical Installation Photoright GIZ and Declef Fotografie

Electrical technicians are involved in the installation of electrical systems and fixtures for buildings and other infrastructure such as roads, tunnels, rails, water distribution and power distribution systems.  The work standards for these technicians must at a high stake in order to ensure a safe working environment for themselves and their colleagues whilst working. Workers should be instructed to take proper safety precautions and follow strict rules in interpreting instructions and executing work.

Electrical Installation is one of the most challenging trades within the construction sector. Electrical technicians work on very sensitive aspects of construction projects and are required to abide by a very high level of standard in order to ensure buildings and infrastructure do not pose a threat of injury and fatality to users. Over the years, Ghana has had to deal with very poor standard of electrical technicians within the market, leading to numerous fires and other hazardous situations resulting in the loss of life and property. As a result, the Ghana Energy Commission has instituted a certification regime to test and certify electrical technicians in various categories to work on electrical systems. However, due to the poor link between this certification system and the training system, there is still a large pool of existing electrical technicians and those going through training who not capable of being certified.

GSDI, in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders within the construction and energy sectors, has developed National Occupational Standards (NOS) for entry level workmen in electrical installation. These standards cover National Proficiency I (level 1) and II (level 2) under the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTVETQF). The curriculum is being implemented by training providers in collaboration with accredited MCPs to ensure a good balance between school based and work-place based training.

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